A brief history of the company’s establishment : Arab Medi Plast Industries Co Company was established in 1990 specialized in medical plastic products in Amman, Jordan. Based on the experience of its owners and management that grown up with more than 37 years in the plastic industry and specialized in medical plastic products and products related to health and cosmetic care, the company has become a major provider that contributes to supplying the Jordanian market and the neighboring markets with many products related to this industry so that it has become having a wide assortment of various molds to produce a variety of products, including pharmaceutical plastic packaging for sanitary use, special-purpose plastic and rubber caps and stoppers, capsule packaging, and pharmaceutical tablets, and many other products. The company is one of the companies specialized in the manufacture of plastic products in the manner of plastic injection technology, extrusion and blowing technology for plastic packages and injection- blowing technology - and blowing PET technology The company provides customers with suitable packaging solutions and solutions for selecting packaging equipment including packaging machines, label machines, closing machines and various industrial equipment as required by the plastic, medical and food factories and plastic production equipment, cosmetics, food products and Producing water and juices with high quality. It also provides imported glass, plastic and metal containers on demand that serve the various industrial sectors