Smart Industrial Automation Company - CYBER
The Company's name : Smart Industrial Automation Company - CYBER
Trade Name : Smart Industrial Automation Company - CYBER
The year of establishment of the company : 2022
About the founder of the company :

Abed ALRahman Subh, a Jordanian engineer who is the founder and general manager

A brief history of the company’s establishment :

In 2013-2016, the company started as a center for maintaining various machines, in 2017 it began importing CNC machines, in 2018 it began expanding the field of imported machines to include new machines in Jordan, such as a fiber laser machine for cutting metals and providing maintenance punches and training on them, in the year 2020-2022. The field of machinery has expanded to include various woodworking machines and introducing them to the Jordanian market. To date, all engineering and training services on the various machines have been provided by specialized engineers.

Industrial sector : Engineering, electrical and information technology industries
Are you an industrial chamber member : Amman
Export markets abroad for the last 3 years : No
International certifications and accreditations :

No any certificates

Is the commissioner or commissioners : Local investor
Number of employees (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : 17
Number of managers (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : 2
Number of females (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : 5
Number of employees registered with the guarantee (Jordanian - non Jordanian) : 17
Are there transportation : Yes
Products - Smart Industrial Automation Company - CYBER
Contact us
Company Branches :

Amman Alzarqa high way - hai al masane'e

Public Administration :
Abed AL Rahman Subh 0786806074
Human Resources :
Rashed Hamdan 0771044430
Sales :
0771044410 - 0771044431 - 0786806074
Social media