Rum Carton Printing Company
The Company's name : Rum Carton Printing Company
Trade Name : Rum Carton Printing Company
The year of establishment of the company : 2008
A brief history of the company’s establishment :

Rum is one of the fastest growing companies in the Middle East in the field of printing Since its establishment in 2008, it has established itself on the domestic and international scene as one of the best companies In its field and a running sign behind creativity and professionalism. In conjunction with its investments in the latest technologies that enrich the requirements of its customers, Rum has developed its facilities and kept pace with the latest technology used in the field of printing And to introduce all what is new and innovative so that its chain of creativity, unlimited development and its constant thirst to reach the highest levels of endless professionalism continue to stand on top of the pioneering companies in the field of cardboard printing, reflecting the amount of this huge work carried out by their cadres tirelessly.

Industrial sector : Packaging, paper, cardboard, printing and supplies industry
Export markets abroad for the last 3 years : Denmark - Iraq - Saudi Arabia - Qatar
International certifications and accreditations :

Jordan Food and Drug Administration

Is the commissioner or commissioners : Local investor
Registered capital : 30000
Number of employees (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : TTL 15 Jordanian 14Non Jordanian 1
Number of managers (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : 2
Number of females (Jordanian - non-Jordanian) : 4
Number of employees registered with the guarantee (Jordanian - non Jordanian) : 15
Products - Rum Carton Printing Company
Contact us
Company Branches :

North Marka - Ibn Idhari

Public Administration :
Thaer Baliha - 0798230023
Human Resources :
Nisreen - 064888640
Sales :
Islam - 064888640
Factory :
Social media