About the founder of the company : Alfaez Aldemashke Company was established by the partners Mr. Fayez Al Tayyan, Mr. Mohammed Al Tayyan and Mr. Mohammed Dia Al Tayyan in 2013 The company was established based on extending work from Syria in the same field, which is the manufacture of plastic products from the sixties and they developed all of their products, which were characterized by quality and durability.
A brief history of the company’s establishment : Alfaez Aldemashke Company was established in 2013 and it is considered one of the leading and integrated companies for the manufacture of disposable plastic products in Jordan and the Middle East region. In the sixties, the company started to manufacture plastic products and plastic molds in Damascus, Syria. And in the year 2000 the production developed inside the company and worked to introduce the electronic system in the manufacturing processes and permanent work to update the machines inside the factory to ensure the provision of the finest types of plastic products that are used for one time. A highly experienced technical team works in the company under the supervision of the management in the company to produce the best types of plastic products.