نبذه عن مؤسس الشركة : أسس المرحوم السيد محمد عبد ربه ابو دبور وابنه شركة احمد ابو دبور واخوانه و هي من الشركات الرائدة في صناعة الحلويات المتنوعة التي اثبتت نفسها على مر السنين استلم المهندس احمد عبد الله ابو دبور و اكمل مسيرة الشركة بعد وفاة والدة, و ادخل العديد من الاصناف الجديدة والتي لاقت استحسان المستهلكين. حرص المهندس احمد ابو دبور على الإلتزام بالقواعد الصحية داخل الشركة و الاشراف على جميع العاملين فيه لضمان انتاج افضل الحلويات على مستوى المملكة.
نبذة عن تاريخ تأسيس الشركة : Ahmad Abu Dabour and Bros. Company was established in the 2000, as it was a small factory in Al Muqabalayn. With the development of work and the success of the products, it has become today a large factory that produces many distinct varieties in the local and global market. Each of their delicious creations is constantly produced along with keeping the focus on the original and fresh taste which made by the company and known for more than 20 years ago, in addition to some distinctive desserts that it provides daily. The factory always works to update and develop the company's products through investing expertise and human resources and the continuous search for the best sources of raw materials and methods of work to achieve the desires of consumers to produce a healthy product. The company has proven itself year after year and has distinguished itself in the field of sweets production with high quality and competitive price to meet the need of the internal market and global markets and the specifications and the ISO certificate (2005: 22000 ISO)
الشهادات والاعتمادات الدولية : ايزو 22000 والغذاء والدواء